Bullying may be characterised as intimidating, offensive, malicious or insulting behaviour. It may be by an individual against an individual or by groups of people.
Examples of bullying/ harassing behaviour include:
- spreading malicious rumours, or insulting someone by word or behaviour;
- exclusion or victimisation;
- unfair treatment;
- overbearing supervision or other misuse of power or position;
- unwelcome sexual advances (touching, asking for sexual favours, making decisions on the basis of sexual advances being accepted or rejected);
- making threats or comments about job security without foundation;
- deliberately undermining a competent worker by overloading and constant criticism;
- preventing individuals progressing by intentionally blocking promotion or training opportunities.
KpH Code of Ethics Policy states that every employee of KpH should:
- treat everyone with dignity and respect;
- treat the company’s assets and equipment as you would your own;
- operate within the letter and the spirit of law, exercising power and influence responsibly.