Injuries at Work in Great Britain

Non-Fatal Injuries at Work in Great Britain

555,000 estimated non-fatal injuries to workers according to self-reports in 2017/18 (LFS)

71,062 Employee non-fatal injuries reported by employers in 2017/18 (RIDDOR)

Non-Fatal Injuries to Employees by Most Common Accident Kinds

Non-fatal injuries reported under RIDDOR 2017/18, includes those accident kinds that account for 5% or more of the total.

Non-Fatal Injuries to Employees by Most Common Accident Kinds

Self-Reported Non-Fatal Injuries by Length of Absence from Work

LFS estimate, 2017/18).

Self-Reported Non-Fatal Injuries by Length of Absence from Work

Rate of Self-Reported Workplace Non-Fatal Injury

LFS: Estimated rate per 100,000 workers.

Rate of Self-Reported Workplace Non-Fatal Injury

Rate of Employer-Reported Non-Fatal Injury

RIDDOR: Rate per 100,000 employees.

Rate of Employer-Reported Non-Fatal Injury

NOTES: The Labour Force Survey (LFS) provides the most complete estimate of non-fatal injuries to workers, providing an estimate of all injuries sustained (based on self-reports by workers).

Fatal Injuries at Work in Great Britain

144 Workers killed in 2017/18 (RIDDOR)

Fatal Injuries to Workers by Main Industry

 Fatal Injuries to Workers by Main Industry

Fatal Injuries to Workers by Age

Fatal Injuries to Workers by Age

Main Kinds of Fatal Accident for Workers

 Main Kinds of Fatal Accident for Workers

Rate of Fatal Injury per 100,000 Workers

Rate of Fatal Injury per 100,000 Workers

In addition, 100 Members of the public were killed due to work related activities in 2017/18

DATA SOURCE:[1]: RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations)