KpH Deconstruction Campaign to Reduce Plastic Waste and Launch Reusable Bottles

We have launched new KpH Deconstruction Reusable Bottles at our Strip Out sites!

The initiative came about as a result of the ‘Spotlight on… Plastics and Packaging’ Campaign (to assess how much single-use plastic we were producing on-site) and as part of our wider Waste Management Review.

We asked two of our Principal Contractor sites to save their drinks bottles for two weeks and were shocked at how many single-use plastic drinking bottles the staff collected.

To showcase the results, and to re-use the plastic bottle waste we collected, we potted plants in them to display throughout the each building. A surprising side-effect of this experiment was how it managed to make our demolition sites look glamorous!

Having identified that this particular waste stream, within our processes, had the most significant negative impact on the environment, we launched our Reusable Bottle Campaign.

As part of the campaign, the Site Managers set a fun challenge for the staff to find a way to up-cycle the drinks bottles, expired hard hats and reclaimed wood due for disposal. At 155 Bishopsgate they managed to build a functioning table, with a surprisingly pleasing design, that was then cleverly used to display the reusable bottles for the workforce to collect during the launch. At other sites staff turned expired hard hats into hanging baskets, which were much admired by members of the public.

We aim to reduce single-use plastic drinking bottle waste on our sites by raising awareness amongst our staff of initiatives such as #PassOnPlastic and #PledgeLessPlastic. So far, our workforce seem really happy with their new reusable bottles, so that’s an encouraging start!

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