KpH Deconstruction Remain CLOCS Champions

KpH Deconstruction renew their registration as  Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS) Champions for a second year running!

In recent years in London, over half of all cycle fatalities have involved a Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV). Many of these are construction vehicles.

KpH want to support the construction industry to fundamentally change the way we manage work-related road risk. We wish to ensure that our vehicles and drivers present zero risk of harm to vulnerable road users and the community in general.

As a CLOCS Champion KpH Deconstruction are responsible for actively implementing and ensuring compliance to the requirements within the CLOCS Standard, both internally and throughout our supply chain. Even where it is not possible to actively implement the CLOCS Standard straight away, as a CLOCS Champion, we will be responsible for communicating the organisation’s intentions to implement, together with related timescales and a dedicated point of contact.

For more information about the CLOCS standard, being a CLOCS Champion, or how the CLOCS standard is affiliated with the FORS Scheme, please visit the CLOCS website:

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